
Advancing Anemia Screening: Performance of the Aspen Hb Meter Compared to Standard Methods
Ashish Nasa1, Pankaj Mutreja2, Rohtash Bhardwaj3, Pankaj K. Tyagi4

1Dr. Ashish Nasa, Department of Radio-diagnosis, Al-Ameen Medical College & Hospital, Vijaypur (Karnataka), India.

2Pankaj Mutreja, Life Care Hospital (NABH Accredited), Karnal (Haryana), India.

3Rohtash Bhardwaj, Life Care Hospital (NABH Accredited), Karnal (Haryana), India.

4Dr. Pankaj K. Tyagi, School of Biotechnology, Noida Institute of Engineering and Technology, Gautam Buddha Nagar (U. P.), India.     

Manuscript received on 04 December 2024 | Revised Manuscript received on 13 December 2024 | Manuscript Accepted on 15 December 2024 | Manuscript published on 30 December 2024 | PP: 41-45 | Volume-5 Issue-1, December 2024 | Retrieval Number: 100.1/ijapsr.B406605020225 | DOI: 10.54105/ijapsr.B4066.05011224

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Abstract: Anemia, a global health concern with significant prevalence in low- and middle-income countries, poses serious challenges for women of reproductive age, particularly in resource-constrained environments. Early and accurate hemoglobin estimation is critical for timely intervention; however, traditional methods like the cyanmethemoglobin assay and automated hematology analyzers are impractical in decentralized settings. This study evaluates the performance of the Aspen Hb meter, a portable, spectrophotometry-based device, against the Serachem SC-60+ auto hematology analyzer. Hemoglobin levels from 1,280 adult females were analyzed, showing a strong correlation (R² = 0.977) and clinically acceptable agreement in Bland-Altman analysis. The Aspen Hb meter achieved a sensitivity of 98.14%, specificity of 95.80%, and accuracy of 97.57%, with minimal diagnostic errors. Its portability, rapid response, and cost-effectiveness highlight its utility in point-of-care diagnostics and public health programs. This device offers a scalable solution for improving anemia screening and management in low-resource settings, particularly in maternal health initiatives.

Keywords: Aspen Hb Meter, Hb estimation, Sensitivity, Specificity, Accuracy.
Scope of the Article: Pharmaceutical Biotechnology